Joining POD requires an application process, which has several steps. Here’s what you have to do:
Step 2

Once paid, you’ll receive an email with a link to provide more information. Click that, and complete the form.
If you don’t get that email, check your spam folder. If it’s not there after a few minutes, please email the POD manager and let us know.
Step 3

Meet with a human from POD, who will take you through how POD works.*
As a community car sharing club, we make it a priority to meet everyone – to keep our members and cars safe.
If you get into any difficulties with either of the forms, please email the POD manager, Kieran at He’ll get back to you as soon as he can.
*We will verify the information you provide in the forms (in Steps 1 and 2) to ensure you meet our insurance specifications. If you meet the specifications, you will receive an email inviting you to complete the final step of the joining process – an in-person induction and verification. If our insurance doesn’t cover you be default, we may negotiate with our insurance provider to cover you regardless, which may incur an increased subscription fee – which you can then decide whether to accept or not.
How it works
Once you’re an approved POD user, the rest is simple!

using the app
or online

using the app
(or RFID card*)

in the POD cars

and lock the car
with the app. Done.
*RFID cards are available for those without smartphones. An additional fee may apply.
Community Benefit Society Membership
POD is a Community Benefit Society (CBS) that has adopted the principles of co-operatives (read more about our governance). As such, we not only have “Users”, by which we mean the folk who sign up to use the cars, we also have “Members” of the CBS. You can be both a User and a Member, or just one or the other – it’s up to you.
Becoming a Member of POD is done by purchasing shares. Read our Share Offer, along with reviewing our Business Plan and Communications and Marketing Strategy.